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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 非都市地區醫院門診醫療利用之研究顧客區隔法之應用 
作者 李順安 
出版日期 1998 
頁碼或冊數 86 
中文摘要 民國84年3月1日起開辦的全民健康保險不僅提供國民基本保障,也促進了醫療產業的發達.但是自從全民健康保險實施後,由於自費病人的數量迅速的減少,以及健保的不斷調低保險服務項目的價格給付,造成許多醫院必須努力的開源節流,以量制價,因此造成醫療市場的競爭異常的激烈,連過去所謂的偏遠地區也不例外.許多醫院紛紛的投入 .大筆的經費研究如何吸引民眾來院就診的各項因素,從而在醫療市場中找出利基(Niche),並尋求醫院醫療服務的醫療市場區隔.本研究之研究目的即以通苑地區民眾為例,用CART(Classification and Regression Tree)的方法,將其分成若干病患區隔(Segments),並分析各區隔之異同.本研究的主要研究對象是苗票縣通宵及苑裡地區之居民,總計抽取600戶,由受訓後之公共衛生護士持問卷至樣本家中訪視調查.有效回收卷數500份,總計有效問卷回收率為83.33%. 
英文摘要 The implementation of the National Health Insurance has provided basic welfare in health for citizens in Taiwan and also intensified competition among hospitals, regardless of their sizes and locations. Under such a circumstance, hospitals have to re-define their amrkets and find out niches for competition. The purpose of this study aims at segmenting patients and find relevant niches for rural hospitals. CART(Classification and Regression Tree) technique was applied to residents of Tun-Yuan area and patient segments were compared and contrasted. 600 residents were surveyed by trained public nurses in 4 months. 500 cases were valid for CART analysis and valid reponse rate was about 83.33%.Results of this study indicate that residences living in Tun-Yuan area can be divided into 4 segments according to their educational level, loyalty to a hospital and age. These findings suggest hospital administrators to modify this study and find their new niches to manage their hospitals. 
出版者 國立陽明大學醫務管理研究所 
出版地 臺北市 
關鍵詞 苗栗縣;苑裡鎮;病患區隔;就醫因素