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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 不同肥培管理對苦瓜生育與土壤肥力之影響 
作者 吳添益 
出版日期 2000 
頁碼或冊數 91 
中文摘要 由資源之再生利用與環境品質之維護的考量上,有機質肥料的施用有逐受重視的趨勢.嫁接和設施栽培為增進苦瓜抗病和品質的兩種對策,唯設施內溫度較高及缺乏雨水自然淋洗,使得設施之內土壤很容易產生鹽分累積的現象,而影響設施土壤的品質及永續利用的價值.本研究以嫁接苦瓜苗(月華品系)為品種材料,於苗栗縣苑裡(粘板岩非石灰性沖積土,水汴頭系,TSp2)試驗田,進行設施栽培方式,於春夏作時分別施用以相同資材經堆肥化過程後所生成的三個不同批次的堆肥,而於秋冬作時則分別施用三種不同之禽畜糞堆肥[雞糞堆肥、牛糞堆肥、牛豬糞堆肥],並與施用化學肥料及不施用任何肥料之對照區處理比較之.以評估不同來源及組成的有機質肥料對土壤肥力與苦瓜生育、品質和產量之影響. 
英文摘要 Use of organic fertilizer are getting more stressed recently, in view of recycling of resource and maintenance of environment. Grafting and facilities culture are generally adopted to increase resistance to disease and quality of bitter gourd. Nevertheless, facilities soil are frequently deteriorated and unable for sustainable use, due to salt accumulated problems, caused by high temperature and lack of leaching by precipitation. In this study, facilities culture with bitter gourd seedlings (Momordica charantia L.) was conducted in a field ( clay slate non-calcareous alluvial soil,TSp2), located in Miaoli Wanli. Three batches of compost, composted at different periods but with the same material, were applied in spring and summer crops, while three kinds of manure( chicken, cattle, and cattle-hog mixed manure)were used in autumn and winter crops. Besides, treatments of chemical fertilizer non-fertilizer, as check plots, were involved to investigate the effects of organic fertilizer prepared from different sources and compositions on soil fertility as well as growth, yield and quality of bitter gourd. 
出版者 國立中興大學土壤環境科學系 
出版地 臺中市 
關鍵詞 苗栗縣;苑裡鎮;苦瓜;土壤肥力