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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 私有化後原住民保留地營林問題之研究:以新竹縣五峰鄉為個案研究 
作者 朱劍鳴 
出版日期 2000 
頁碼或冊數 86 
中文摘要 據原住民保留地開發管理辦法第三條規定:原住民保留地係為保障原住民生計,推行原住民行政所保留之原有山地保留地,及經依規劃編、增編供原住民使用之保留地.本省原住民保留地宜林地面積約為18萬餘公頃(含增編部分),為本省林業重要之一環,依據上述辦法第九條規定,未來原住民保留地宜林地將逐漸由原住民取得所有權,成為純粹私有林之型態. 
英文摘要 As per Article 3 of the Regulations for the Administration and Development of Aboriginal Reservation Land, the mountainous aboriginal reservation lands are provided to the aboriginal people for their livelihood, which is part of the government policy towards the aboriginal people. The above land including planned and increased allotment of aboriginal reservation land can now be exchanged by the aboriginal people for forest land, totaling 180,000 hectares (including increased allotment) of such land, regarded as a major policy in the forestry of Taiwan Province. According to Article 9 of the above provisions, through the exchange of native reservation land for forest land,aboriginal people gradually gain title to the lands and become private owners of these forest lands. 
出版者 國立中興大學森林學系 
出版地 臺中市 
關鍵詞 新竹縣;五峰鄉;原住民;保留地;所有權