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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 司馬庫斯部落共同經營模式之探討 
作者 蔡秀菊 
出版日期 2005 
頁碼或冊數 206 
中文摘要 本研究發現司馬庫斯部落因教會單一、泰雅gaga組織、泰雅傳統文化,有助於部落共同經營之發展。但部落共同經營仍面臨下列困境: 1.部落居民仍有少數對部落共同經營採觀望態度。 2.部落共同經營總盈餘,是否足以支應部落居民全面照護之所需? 3.目前的收入偏重經營生態旅遊單一來源,如何開拓其他財源? 4.如何避免因發展生態旅遊對部落環境及文化造成嚴重衝擊。 上述困境之妥適解決策略,尚需進一步研究釐析。 
英文摘要 From the research findings, three main factors have helped them to benefit from this system: single religion, the tradition of Tayal tribe’s organization( which is called “gaga” in their language) and the tradition of Tayal’s culture. However, the research indicates that the Smangus have the following problems yet to overcome: 1) There are a few residents still not fully participating. 2) Are the cooperatives assets enough to support all residents’ demand? 3) Their economy is primarily based on tourism. How do they expand to other sources of income? 4) How to protect against the destroying of the environment and of their cultural by tourism? The problems that have been indicated need more research and analysis. 
出版者 靜宜大學生態學系 
出版地 臺中縣 
關鍵詞 新竹縣;尖石鄉;司馬庫斯;部落共同經營模式