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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 獅頭山風景區遊客特性、遊憩活動偏好與滿意度關係之研究 
作者 王貞怡 
出版日期 2004 
頁碼或冊數 85 
中文摘要 獅頭山風景區經營管理單位近年來積極舉辦各類型觀光活動,以活動導向行銷風景區,期望透過不同類型活動的規劃與舉辦,有效滿足顧客需求、提昇遊憩滿意度.從遊憩行為的觀點而言,由於不同類型遊客對於從事戶外遊憩活動之偏好會有所不同;當消費者之偏好成為驅動力量,將促使遊憩意圖、目的之實際行為產生,進而影響滿意程度高低.故風景區經營管理者若能了解不同遊客特性之遊憩活動偏好與滿意程度,及三者間之關聯性,可做為未來行銷策略或推廣活動之參考,發展出適合的活動或服務,使得資源開發更具豐富性與選擇性,與提高遊客之來訪意願. 
英文摘要 With the activity-oriented concept of marketing, the managing departments of the Lion's Head Mountain Scenic Area actively organize and hold kinds of tourist activities recently, expecting to satisfy the needs of visitors and raise the tourist satisfaction. According to the viewpoints of recreational behavior, tourists with different characteristics would prefer different kinds of outdoor activities. When the personal recreation-activity preference drives a tourist’s intention of recreation to become real tourist behaviors, it could also effect on the tourist’s satisfaction. Therefore, when understanding the distinct characteristics of the visitors, the divergent recreation-activity preference of them, and their satisfaction of the recreation, along with the interactive relative relationships of the three elements, the managing departments of a scenic area could develop suitable activities and offer proper services, diversifying the resource exploitation, and then raising the willing of customers’ visiting. 
出版者 世新大學觀光學系 
出版地 臺北市 
關鍵詞 新竹縣;峨眉鄉;觀光;風景區;旅遊;獅頭山;遊客特性;遊憩活動偏好;滿意度;苗栗縣;南庄鄉