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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 寶山水庫浮游動物的日夜垂直分布特性之研究 
作者 何仁欽 
出版日期 2005 
頁碼或冊數 96 
中文摘要 2004年一月及七月在寶山水庫進行浮游動物垂直遷移現象之研究,垂直五層(表層1公尺、1-2公尺、2-5公尺、5-9公尺、9-14公尺<冬季因枯水僅採得9-12公尺>)每隔二小時的連續24-48小時採樣分析,將浮游動物分為八大類群(輪蟲(Rotifer)、橈足無節幼蟲(Nauplius)、橈足幼生(Copepodite)、長額象鼻溞(Bosminidae: Bosmina longirostris)、模糊秀體溞(Sididae: Diaphanosoma dubium)、右突新鏢水溞(Neodiaptomus schmackeri)、台灣溫劍水溞(Thermocyclops taihokuensis)、短尾近劍水溞(Tropocyclops prasinus breviramus),分別探討其日夜垂直遷移(Diel Vertical Migration DVM)之現象.根據所計算之加權平均深度(Weighted Mean Depth)WMD值,發現僅模糊秀體溞分別在冬、夏兩季有明顯而大幅度的日夜遷移,短尾近劍水溞則在冬季有明顯而大幅度的日夜遷移,其餘的大類均無顯著的日夜遷移現象. 以主成分分析法分析各分層的環境因子,影響分佈的因素可以歸納成第一主成分「物理因子」和第二主成份子「食物因子」,兩個主成分合計可以解釋總變異量的96%.第一主成分中以溫度的影響最大,而第二主成份主要構成的因子則以葉綠素a的承擔量最大. 
英文摘要 On January and July of 2003, vertical distribution pattern of zooplankton in Baushan Reservoir was observed. Sampling was carried out last for 24-48 hours in 5 layers (0-1m, 1-2m, 2-5m, 5-9m and 9-14m) during each 2 hours period. The zooplankton was dived into 8 groups (Rotifer, copepod nauplius, copepodite stages of copepod, Bosmina longirostris, Diaphanosoma dubium, Neodiaptomus schmackeri, hermocyclops taihokuensis, Tropocyclops prasinus berviroamus), vertical distribution of them during day and night were compared to understand their diel vertical migration patterns.According to the WMD (Weighted Mean Depth) value, only Diaphanosoma dubium had significant diurnal vertical migration in both seasons and Tropocyclops prasinus berviroamus with significant diurnal vertical migration in winter. The other groups of zooplankton were without such pattern in significance. The principle component analysis was employed to abstract the information of environmental factors for each sampling point. Two factors were abstracted with 96% of variances, the first was physical factor with higher loading of temperature, and the second was food factor with higher loading of chlorophyll a. 
出版者 國立新竹教育大學人力資源教育處教師在職進修應用科學系自然科學碩士班 
出版地 新竹縣 
關鍵詞 新竹縣;寶山鄉;水庫;浮游;動物;分布