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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 復興鄉華陵村居民觀光衝擊識覺之研究 
作者 李政修 
出版日期 2003 
頁碼或冊數 79 
中文摘要 本研究透過變異數分析的結果顯示,不同社經及空間屬性的居民會對觀光業產生不同的認知;同時經由觀察及訪談中發現:地區觀光發展程度、自然與人文特色與居民參與觀光規劃程度的空間差異也會影響居民的觀光衝擊識覺. 居民大致與遊客呈良性互動,權衡正、負面衝擊得失後認為未來應持續發展觀光業.華陵村的觀光業因同質性太高,缺乏資源經理與居民協同參與觀光規劃,未能跟隨現代觀光潮流的變遷而呈現衰退.如何整合地方居民參與規劃,提出共識,利用多元化、差異化的經營策略,善加利用當地豐富的自然及人文資源,締造產業、生態及文化觀光的新契機,使其在激烈的競爭中再創繁榮,並期能永續經營,是居民須嚴肅面對的課題. 
英文摘要 Through participant observation and interviews, the results show that there is a significant difference in residents’ perceptions of tourism development between different geographic locations. The influential factors including level of tourism development, cultural heritage and residents involved in tourism planning influenced on their perceptions of tourism development. The tourism industry in Hwa-ling village went into decline due to the lack of resource management, the low degree of resident’s involvement in tourism planning, and unable to accommodate itself to the modern tourism industry. The implication for the aboriginal tourism is how to integrate villagers involved in planning, and how to diversify management in tourism market. The possible strategies are: to help empower rural people to make better use of resource and cultural heritage; to create the new opportunities of combing industry, ecology and cultural tourism; and sustainable management. Under such competitive tourism market, local residents should seriously consider the above issues in the future planning of tourism in their villages. 
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出版者 國立臺灣大學地理環境資源學研究所 
出版地 臺北市 
關鍵詞 桃園縣;復興鄉;觀光衝擊;識覺;環境資源經理;華陵村;居民參與規劃