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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 臺灣桃園饒平客話研究 
作者 徐貴榮 
出版日期 2001 
頁碼或冊數 301 
中文摘要 本文有感於饒平客家的失落,開始從桃園展開六個方言點的調查,並依其聲韻調特徵及差異,分成A組:芝芭里、興南、平鎮,B組:新屋犁頭洲,C組:過嶺、新坡等三組研究,在第五章詳列其音韻結構.並選擇A組於第七章,分析聲韻調從中古到現在的歷時演變,和第八章探討方言地理的共時接觸,並參以B、C兩組作為比較.末尾分析饒平客語辭彙的特色,除具有四縣的特色外,與海陸客語更為接近,受閩南語的影響也大. 
英文摘要 In this research, the author is in light of the lost of Raoping Hakka, and carries out his survey on six different dialect regions, and divides all those regions into three groups by the features and differences of tone, intonation and rhyme. Those three groups are: Group A: Chi-Ba Li, Shin-Nan and Ping Chen; Group B: Shinwu Litochu and Group C: Guolin, ShinPo. Their structures are listed in Chapter 5. In Chapter 7, the author analyzes the tone, rhythm and rhyme of group A and analyze their intergradations from Middle Ancient times to modern times. In Chapter 8, the author discusses about the contemporary contact in dialect geography and compares Group B and C. From chapter 7 and 8, readers can gain a conclusion that, besides features of Hakka, the tone, intonation, and rhyme in Raoping Hakka have a lot in common with Fūjian Shaoan, PingHè, NanGin, DaPu, FongSuien Hakka. At the end of this thesis, the author analyzes the features in Raoping Hakka vocabulary. Raoping Hakka not only receives the effects from four counties, it is affected largely by Southern Fūjian min and is closer to Hailu Hakka. 
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出版者 國立新竹師範學院臺灣語言與語文教育研究所 
出版地 新竹市 
關鍵詞 桃園縣;平鎮市;饒平客語;音韻;歷時;共時;特徵