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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 節慶活動參與者之參與動機、效益認知和滿意度研究:以92年麻豆文旦節為例 
作者 徐瑞穗 
出版日期 2004 
頁碼或冊數 78 
中文摘要 本研究以92年第5屆之麻豆產業文化節為例,透過問卷調查的方式探討活動參與者的個人屬性與參與動機的關係,是否不同參與動機對活動效益的認知和活動規劃的滿意度,以及效益認知與活動規劃滿意度之間的相關性.本研究利用因素分析將參與動機、效益認知和活動規劃滿意度的變項縮減之後,以集群分析將參與者的動機分成三個類型,再利用此三個類型分別與個人屬性做交叉表的分析,並與效益認知變項和活動規劃滿意度變項作變異數的檢定,而效益的認知與活動規劃滿意度則以Pearson相關法來檢定兩者之相關性. 
英文摘要 The major purpose of this study is to investigate the relation of event participant’s perceived benefits/satisfaction level and their participating motivation (purpose of visit). The participants of the 5th Madou Pummelo Festival were selected as the study subjects. The questionnaires were designed and handed out to the event participants during the festival period. In the first stage, factor analysis was used to reduce the study variables of motivation, perceived benefits and satisfaction, and then cluster analysis was adopted to group attendees’ motivations into three categories. Analysis of Variance was utilized to examine the relation of these three categories and the variables of perceived benefits and satisfaction. Moreover, Pearson’s product correlation coefficence was used to examine the correlation between perceived benefits and satisfaction. The results of this study indicate:(1)there is a significant difference between event participants’ motivation and their “education level” and “occupation”;(2)satisfaction variables such as “service scheme” and “location scheme” are significantly related to their participating motivation;(3)perceived benefits such as “combine with industrial culture and education” and “combine with events and life” are also significantly related to motivation; and(4)the variables between perceived benefits and satisfaction are positively correlated. 
出版者 靜宜大學觀光事業學系研究所 
關鍵詞 臺南縣;麻豆鎮;文旦;文旦節;參與滿意度;參與動機;節慶活動參與者;節慶;效益認知