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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 鹽水鎮街內街外兩區域社會變遷與信仰文化初探 
作者 趙展正 
出版日期 2004 
頁碼或冊數 138 
中文摘要 鹽水鎮因地理背景與歷史發展的差異,產生兩個職業背景截然不同的區域,街內八里因為清領時期河港貿易與日治時期農產品集散中心的角色,使得街內居民職業主要以工商業為主;街外十七里居民在歷史及地理背景影響下的經濟發展均遠遠落後於街內八里,居民均以務農維生.因為街內街外兩區域歷史、地理及職業背景的不同造成兩區域信仰的差異性. 
英文摘要 According to the two differences of geographical background and historical development in Yian-shuei town, two areas with different career backgrounds are enveloped. Because of being the center in which people carry on trade along the river side during the Chin dynasty and where people put the agricultural products together, citizens who live in the eight main parts inside the street make their life by doing commerce and industry; however, people who live in the seventeen parts outside the street make their life by doing agriculture, just because they make less progresses than the former. 
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出版者 臺南師範學院臺灣文化研究所 
出版地 臺南市 
關鍵詞 臺南縣;鹽水鎮;信仰文化;祭祀活動