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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 近代化後期街屋立面調查與維護策略研擬:以鹽水鎮中正路為例 
作者 黃毓舜 
出版日期 2003 
頁碼或冊數 123 
中文摘要 鹽水鎮的發展迄今超過三百年.中正路在鹽水鎮發展歷程中的關鍵地位與現存的昭和街屋的維護是地方文化資產保存的重要課題,本文經由街屋現況測繪分析與視覺模擬的過程,對中正路街道空間意象的維護找尋可能的方法與策略.文中的「近代化後期」是指 1935年到1938年中正路街屋興建的時間,此時期為日治的昭和時期.中正路的昭和時期街屋在街道拓寬後興建就維持迄今.昭和街屋的立面與騎樓兩個部位構成街道空間的特色. 根據街屋現況的調查分析,將元素分成水平元素、垂直元素、開口部元素、裝飾元素、騎 樓柱樑、柱樑接頭、底層開口等七個組別. 
英文摘要 Yenshui town has developed since three hundred years ago. Chung-Cheng Road has a key position in the developing process of Yenshui town. Preservations of street houses built in Showa period has been an important issue of conservation of local cultural assets. The purpose of the study is to look for possible solutions and policies of preserving spatial images on Chung Cheng Road through drawing analysis of present street houses and processing of visual analysis. “The postmodernization period” in the study is from the year 1935 to 1938, a period which Japanese Showa emperor ruled Taiwan. That was also the time when street houses on Chung Chen Road were constructed. Two elements of Showa period street houses, the facade and the arcade, constitute a unique feature of streets. According to the analysis of present street houses, it divides elements into seven groups: horizontal elements, vertical elements, opening elements, decorating elements, arcade pillars, apophyges, and arcade openings. 
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出版者 國立成功大學建築研究所 
出版地 臺南市 
關鍵詞 臺南縣;鹽水鎮;街屋