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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 白河地區竹磚混造建築之形式脈絡 
作者 鄭俊男 
出版日期 2004 
頁碼或冊數 117 
中文摘要 長期以來,穿斗式建構方式一直是民宅營造的運用對象,由於它組構的簡易性以及材料的包容性等,在鄉間造就了許多不同材料卻形式相近的民宅,這現象反映出各地居民普遍存在就地取材的觀念,這樣簡單易學的組構形式,加上維修簡易的條件下,時至今日鄉村仍有許多穿斗式民宅普遍存在甚至仍在使用中.或許是建構形式如出一轍的關係,對於穿斗式建築之相關文獻並不多,多數研究僅針對木造穿斗式建築形式加以探討,竹造穿斗式建築形式卻沒有加以說明其原因,本研究對象為建築本體,而建築構造亦是本研究之重點,透過田野調查所收集資料,來論述竹磚混造民宅,在構造上與其他民宅形式上的差異性. 
英文摘要 The subject of this study is architectural , and architectural structure is the main section of the study , too however , the users’ behaviors toward space also have an impact on countinued quality control and form development indirectly. So before engaging in field survey , we have to understand the collection and analysis of data. The content of preproduction in field survey contains survey content , interviewing , aggregation of data.The data we gathered by field survey could divide Into tow parts. One is constructivism of bamboo-brick building structure , and we could use it to interpret constructivism type. Component type. tenon type and it’s position. Another is the statement of the bamboo-brick building’s historic monument about construction productivity and structure appellation , and we could use it to interpret the difference between the productivity of bamboo-brick mixed buildings and traditional wooden and brick building. 
出版者 樹德科技大學建築與古蹟維護研究所 
出版地 高雄縣 
關鍵詞 臺南縣;白河鎮;白河;傳統民宅;竹;磚;建築構造