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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 白河蓮花節行銷策略之研究 
作者 陳麗妃 
出版日期 2004 
頁碼或冊數 93 
中文摘要 過去臺灣對農業需求乃以生產利益為重,在加入WTO經濟全球化後,我國農業即面臨了極大的衝擊及考驗,為改善其農業結構、提高農民所得,原有之初級農產業已漸轉型為三級之休閒產業文化資源.民國八十四年,白河鎮公所首辦「蓮花觀光花季」產業文化活動一炮而紅後,全臺各地之產業文化節慶活動如雨後春筍般拓展開來,希望藉以地方資源特色、自然景觀及人文歷史活化地方產業.白河蓮花節舉辦至今已邁入第九年,其活動生命週期漸呈現衰退現象,因此如何能使鄉村地方傳統產業,掌握其成功之關鍵要素,延伸鄉村產業的價值與特色,此一面向問題值得令人商榷. 
英文摘要 In the past, the demand of Taiwan agriculture was emphasized on production profit. However, after Taiwan became members the WTO and the globalized economics, our agriculture was facing tremendous impact and test. In order to improve the agricultural structure and to upgrade the farmers’ income, the original and initial agricultural industry has gradually changed into the cultural resource of third class recreational industry.In 1995, Paiho Townhall first hosted “Lotus Sightseeing Flower Season”, which made the industrial cultural activity immediate success and famous. The industrial culture activities all over the island were boomed like the bamboo shoots after rain, hoping to vitalize local industries with the help of the local resource specialty, the natural scenic, culture and history. 
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出版者 立德管理學院資源環境研究所 
出版地 臺南市 
關鍵詞 臺南縣;白河鎮;蓮花;蓮花節;產業文化;節慶活動;行銷策略