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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 觀光遊憩事業振興地方發展之分析研究:以臺南縣新化鎮為例 
作者 黃明正 
出版日期 2005 
頁碼或冊數 91 
中文摘要 近年來以發展一鄉一特色方式行銷地方產業已成新的風潮,而以觀光遊憩事業振興地方產業發展更是作為活化農業鄉鎮之產業經濟策略,其不僅提供遊客各種多樣化的遊憩機會,當地居民也會享受到產業文化活動所帶來的各種效益.以發展觀光遊憩事業結合地方產業之效益而論,經濟社會的變動和觀光業的持續發展皆是旅遊消費所應滿足的條件.本研究便以探討臺南縣新化鎮觀光遊憩資源為例,研究發展觀光遊憩事業振興地方產業之效益.實證結果顯示受訪者大多認同發展觀光遊憩事業是有利於振興地方產業的,然於調查問卷及開放試題卷整理卻發現關於交通動線規劃、活動之永續性、行銷宣傳方面仍有待評估及改進;發展觀光遊憩事業以振興地方產業宜做整體考量之規劃,除兼顧環境發展之永續性外,更可結合國內外媒體的行銷報導,將新化鎮推向國際之舞臺以成為他鄉鎮之示範. 
英文摘要 In recent years, developing the feature of each township to market the local industry has become a new trend while vitalizing the development of local industry through tourism has been more or less the key economic strategy to put the businesses in townships into lives. Tourism not only provides tourists with a variety of entertaining choices, but also enables local residents to enjoy all kinds of benefits brought over from industrial and cultural activities. Considering the benefit of developing tourism to combine with the local industry, conditions regarding the change of the economic society and a sustainable development of tourism should be fulfilled in terms of tourist consumption. This study takes the entertaining resources from Sinhua Township of Tainan County into account to discuss the benefit of developing tourism to vitalize the local industry. Evidences show that most of the interviewees consider that developing tourism is beneficial in vitalizing the local industry. But through the compiling of questionnaire survey and open questions examination, things such as traffic routes planning, sustainability of activities, and dissemination and marketing are still holding for further assessment and improvement. It is better that an overall planning is conducted when developing tourism to vitalize the local industry. In addition to conforming to the sustainability of environmental development, media reports from home and abroad for marketing purpose may be applied to push Sinhua Township to the world stage as a demonstration for other townships to follow. 
出版者 國立臺南大學社會科教育學系碩士班 
出版地 臺南市 
關鍵詞 臺南縣;新化鎮;觀光遊憩事業;地方產業