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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 臺南縣新化鎮農業經營區域類型之研究 
作者 莊月香 
出版日期 2004 
頁碼或冊數 104 
中文摘要 本文以位居平原與丘陵接觸地帶的新化鎮做為研究區域,利用文獻資料蒐集及田野調查等研究方法,以了解新化鎮農業經營類型的發展及影響發展的機制.1950年代迄今,隨著區域環境、總體環境的改變,平原上的農業經營方式由較單純的三年輪作短期作物栽培轉為雙期作、三年兩作的土地利用,逐漸呈現區域差異,而後除了短期作物外,果樹、甘藷產業文化陸續出現,有機蔬菜、教育農園…等應運而生.丘陵區則以果樹與竹筍栽培等長期作物為主,果樹種類時有變動,產量也有所消長;竹筍以麻竹筍為主,近來則出現休閒農場.故同一時間內,不同區域的農業經營存在差異,即使同一種農業類型,亦有栽植作物的差異存在,而形成其獨特的發展類型與律動模式。 
英文摘要 With Hsin-Hua Town, which is located at the contact zone of plains and hills as the study area, this article uses study methods such as documents and information gathering and field survey to understand the development of the regional farming types of Hsin-Hua Town and the mechanism that affects development. Since the 1950s, due to changes to regional and overall environments, agricultural business methods on the plains have shifted from simply rotating short-term crops within 3 years to land use of double paddy crops and double crops within 3 years, showing regional differences gradually. Subsequently, in addition to short-term crops, industrial cultures like fruit trees and sugar cane emerged one after another; and organic vegetables and educational farms also emerged as the times required. However, in the hill areas, the main crops grown are those long term ones like fruit trees and bamboo shoots, and the types of fruit trees usually changed while the output increased or decreased; among the kinds of bamboo shoots, dried bamboo shoots is the principal one. Moreover, recreation farms appeared recently too. Consequently, differences exist among the regional farming types of different regions at the same time, even for the same kind of agriculture; there are differences in the crops grown, forming unique development types and rhythm patterns. 
出版者 國立高雄師範大學地理學系 
出版地 高雄市 
關鍵詞 臺南縣;新化鎮;農業經營區域類型;土地利用