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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 北門鄉蚵寮聚落「王爺」信仰之研究 
作者 江月英 
出版日期 2005 
頁碼或冊數 142 
中文摘要 蚵寮位於臺南縣北門鄉,是臺灣西南沿海的聚落,共同組成聚落的七大戶頭來自相同的祖籍---福建泉州府晉江縣,因此蚵寮聚落是一個由原鄉同祖籍的閩南漢人移居構成的聚落,相同的祖籍成為當時移民聚居的基礎,也是地緣組織的依據.在蚵寮聚落發展的過程中,三個次級聚落各因不同的原因發生,且在地緣關係的組成原則下,庄廟保安宮成為地方組織的中心. 
英文摘要 Keliao settlement is located at the south western coat of Tainan in Peimen Township. The settlement is composed of 7 great family clans with the same decent, all of them were original from Jinjian, Quanzhou-Fu, Southern Fukien, Mainland China. The settlement was formed on the basis of geo-organization immigration. During the development of Keliao village, three secondary settlements were appeared due to different reasons separately, and under the principle of geo-organization to villages formation, the village temple - Pao-An temple functionally became the center of local area. 
出版者 國立臺南大學臺灣文化研究所 
出版地 臺南市 
關鍵詞 臺南縣;北門鄉;王爺(神佛);遶境;民間信仰