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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 玄天上帝廟對下營聚落發展的影響 
作者 吳秋薇 
出版日期 2003 
頁碼或冊數 130 
中文摘要 玄天上帝廟在下營已不僅僅是宗教祭祀的場所,而是下營地區世俗化、社會化的宗教精神領導,支配著下營社會的發展與變遷.因此本研究透過對於下營聚落的歷史地理演進,來釐清茅港尾聚落的衰微與玄天上帝廟再區位的條件,以為理解今日玄天上帝信仰與下營社區發展的互動關係,以及思索下營的發展是如何透過世俗化的宗教力量-玄天上帝廟的介入,以帶動地方的發展. 
英文摘要 Xuan-tian Taoism Temple is not only a place for religious service, but also a community symbol to the people of Hsiaying. The temple controls the development and changes in Hsiaying society through its integration and utilization of various resources. Through the investigation of how Mou-kung-way settlement declined and how Hai-chien-ying settlement and Xuan-tian Taoism Temple evolved, this study explores the development of Hsiaying settlement. In particular, the role of Xuan-tian Taoism Temple in shaping the development of Hsiaying settlement is of focus. 
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出版者 國立高雄師範大學地理學系 
出版地 高雄市 
關鍵詞 臺南縣;下營鄉;玄天上帝;聚落發展