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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 大甲媽祖進香儀式中刺繡文物研究 
作者  趙淑芬 
出版日期 2003 
頁碼或冊數 227 
中文摘要 「繡裳神格禮‧號褂護駕心」,大甲鎮瀾宮天上聖母媽祖廟座落於大甲四鄉鎮五十三庄,庄民(大甲鎮、大安鄉、外埔鄉、后里鄉)每年於農曆三月二十三日媽祖千秋誕辰日前夕舉行傳統七夜八天三百餘公里徒步進香祝壽祭典儀式民間信仰活動,百年香火,目的為合火與遶境,大甲五十三庄正爐媽、副爐媽以及大甲鎮瀾宮湄洲媽祖等進香媽祖莊嚴隆重地著金蔥風帽神衣,金蔥刺繡儀仗護駕隊伍與身著卡其布間色,衣為黑色圓領及四方如意文,胸前「大甲.北港進香」或「大甲.鎮瀾宮天上聖母」(1988年後)聖號號褂護駕團隊步兵兵勇制服融合成一幅陣容綿長動容熱鬧的場面.祝壽典禮徒步進香活動中所使用的正色五采金蔥護駕儀仗祭儀刺繡品雙龍拜塔神衣、霞帔、風帽、大甲鎮瀾宮天上聖母遶境進香頭旗與龍鳳三仙旗、雙童護爐‧雙龍拜塔‧太極八卦‧麒麟送子轎罩(轎衣)與日月合壁芭蕉扇、大甲鎮瀾宮天上聖母‧八仙‧四海龍王(雙龍拜塔)涼傘、三十六執士暨繡旗隊雙龍朝聖彩牌與龍鳳繡旗和龍鳳繡旗、哨角隊隊旗、天上聖母進香令旗等宗教刺繡,金蔥儀仗護駕刺繡品透過善男信女謝願、請示、還願、量身訂做、開剪、奉獻、誦經、潔淨、穿戴、進香、擎執及行神明各種神聖祭祀儀式之神格身份、拜行禮儀、身段搬演、神聖與世俗空間等儀式功能所交織而成的動態朝聖空間與通過儀式.其進香祭儀刺繡品目的積累約形成於民國六○年代中期,據調查截至今約計六家繡莊參與承製,如:台中縣清水鎮高美(昔稱高密)蔡盛宗(肇始)、彰化巿勝興繡莊(約1965-迄今)、大甲龍采繡莊(約1988-迄今)、大甲玉山軒佛具店(約1990初-迄今)、彰化華章繡莊(1996-迄今)、泉州錦繡莊(2000)、龍井秀鳳繡莊(2004-迄今)等,及信徒敬謝者的虔敬心意,共同建構金蔥刺繡(從平金到捻金線的發展)的圖象象徵寓意與符號體系,如:五采繡線、陰陽五行金蔥布刺繡、辟邪吉祥、魯班尺有字吉字、聖號、形制、色彩、圖案、寓意、大小、方向、順序、位置、重量等形塑之歷史脈絡、社會情境、文化內涵,繡莊技藝生產者與儀式使用消費者在此形成相互依存的綜合有機生命共同體. 
英文摘要 The temple of Dajia Mazhu is located at Dajia area, of which habitants include four towns (Dajia, Daan, Waipu and Holi) and fifty-three villages. The temple’s annual big event is the eight-days pilgrimage held before Mazhu’s birthday on March 23 of lunar calendar. The pilgrims follow the Deity Mazhu’s path and experience an eight-days journey of pilgrimage by visiting fifty-three village temples. It is to insure that Deity Dajia Mazhu’s blessing can be received and passed on. The folk religious activity has been held annually for centuries. It has become one of the most important religious events in Taiwan. The whole ritual ceremony is a sanctifying process of manifesting Mazhu’s godhood status and a fulfillment of her will as a merciful goddess. The paper will discuss Dajia Mazhu’s ritual costumes and embroideries worn and used during the pilgrimage. These costumes and embroideries embody significant meanings and purposes. The statue of Dajia Mazhu has been dressed up with a gold-string-woven coat. Her palanquin is decorated with embroideries of auspicious animal Qilin delivering a child. The team that escorts Mazhu’s palanquin carries different kinds of pennants that represent different auspicious and symbolic meanings. The subject matter of these pennants include dragon, phoenix, two dragons worshiping a tower, pattern of Taiji and Eight Diagrams, Eight Immortals, the king of Four Seas…etc. The significance of the rituals and its relations to the sanctifying space and atmosphere created by the costumes, embroideries, the ceremonies and pilgrims’ participation will be discussed in anthropological aspect. The paper will also discuss the development of family-run studios that designed and produced most of the ritual costumes and embroideries during the 50s. Some of them still practice the same skill now. There are six of them: the Tsai Sheng-zong’s (the very first in Taiwan) at Gaomei, Qingshui, Taizhong; the Sheng-xing studio at Zhanghua (ca. 1965 ~ present); the Longcai studio at Dajia (ca. 1988 ~ present); Yushan Xuan Buddhist store at Dajia (ca. 1990 ~ present); Huazhang studio at Zhanghua (1996 ~ present); Jinxiu studio at Quanzhou (2000); Xiufeng studio at Longjing (2004 ~ present). These designers have used traditional Chinese auspicious elements and created a whole set of symbolic meaning and iconography. They applied them into the ritual embroideries they designed. The application and consideration of Yin Yang, the five primary elements of the world, auspicious symbols, sacred name, form, colour, pattern, size, orientation, sequence, location and weight can be understood historically, socially and culturally. 
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出版者 國立臺北藝術大學傳統藝術研究所 
出版地 臺北市 
關鍵詞 大甲媽祖進香;刺繡;繡莊;針法;繡品;臺中縣;大甲鎮