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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 休閒農業發展與永續經營之研究-以台中縣新社鄉為例 
作者 林瑞桐 
出版日期 2004 
頁碼或冊數 242 
中文摘要 近年來國內政經結構轉變,加以國際間因自由化、國際化,致互動頻度與範疇擴大,各國均易受全球景氣波動所影響.尤以我國屬小農經營型態,生產成本高競爭力低,更易遭受自由貿易競爭之衝擊,因此正面臨多種挑戰;如農業競爭力下降、傳統產業發展與農民對地方認同、及我國加入世界貿易組織(WorldTradeOrganization,簡稱WTO)組織等種種內、外情勢的影響之下,臺灣農業正面臨轉型及重新定位之樞紐. 休閒農業的發展有益農業轉型、農民轉業、農村建設、促進地方繁榮及農業資源永續利用,任何產業若要永續經營,則必定要有永續經營的方向與架構,而休閒農業要永續發展必須是建構在「生產、生活、生態」三生的基礎上,使其向永續經營之路邁進,新社鄉位於台中縣東面具有複雜多變的地形,擁有得天獨厚的自然環境,包括河階、丘陵、台地又有群山綿延疊翠、白冷圳虹吸管,全年氣溫爽朗宜人也極適合栽種各種作物,其間豐富的農產蔬果,秀麗的山林美景,各色鳥禽、珍貴稀有的蓋斑鬥魚、薰衣草、香菇、油菜花、螢火蟲、櫻花樹及梅花林等等極適合發展休閒農業. 新社鄉是一個傳統的農業鄉鎮,農民收入每況愈下,傳統農業的生產受到打擊,週休二日的實施、休閒旅遊蔚為風潮,農業經營遂逐漸轉型為休閒農業,並發展為六大類型,包括休閒庭園香草咖啡、體驗式休閒農場、觀光花卉水果農場、教育生態農場、民宿與歷史景點及其他等,參考德、美、日等先進國家發展休閒農業的經驗,將農村資源提供觀光遊憩之用,提高農民的所得及福祉,並增加遊憩資源之供給、滿足遊客的需求,因此參考國外案例借取成功的例子作為新社鄉發展休閒農業的參考及未來可行的發展方向. 根據研究由行政、產業、類別、環境、制度等方面提出成立農民服務中心、農特產品展售中心、舉辦香菇、枇杷文化季、區隔農場特色-成功薰衣草、推行生態及文化觀光(天然河階地型、白冷圳、農業生態教育區、小溪頭親水遊憩區)、經營自然養生村、農村觀光資源經營、農業環境維護、交通環境改善(交通指標、道路、停車場、接駁車)、建立評鑑制度、成立民宿協會、成立第三部門事業經營,的建議以供日後推廣休閒農業的參考. 
英文摘要 Due to the changing of political and economical structure domestically and the liberalization and internationalization internationally in these years, both the interaction frequency and scope enlarged and all countries tend to affect by the fluctuation of global boom. In particular, the agriculture in our country belongs to small scale management, which has high production cost and low competition ability, and tends to influence by the competition of free trade, and thus facing multiple challenges; such as the influence from inner and outer situation like the decline of agriculture competition ability, traditional industrial development and farmer’s local identification and the participation of WTO; Taiwan agriculture is facing the key point of transformation and re-orientation. The development of leisure agriculture benefits the transformation of agriculture, job transformation of farmer, rural village construction and facilitate local prosperity and agriculture recourse’s sustainable development; however, if any industry wants to have sustainable development, it must have the orientation and framework for sustainable development, and the sustainable development for leisure agriculture is established on the base of “Production, Life and Ecology.” Sinshe Township is located in the east side of Taichung County with complex and varied landforms; it is exceptionally rich in natural resources, including river terraces, hills, plateaus, continuous green mountains and Baileng Ditch siphon; it has warm and comfortable weather all year round and suitable to plant various crops; and it has plentiful vegetable and fruits, beautiful mountain and forest scenery, colorful birds, precious and rare Paradise fish, lavender, mushroom, rape flower, firefly, sakura and plum blossom woods, all these are very appropriate for the development of leisure agriculture. Sinshe Township is a traditional agricultural township with farmers of decreasing incomes day after day, and the traditional agricultural production also declined. With the implementation of two days off in the weekend, recreational traveling has become a tendency and agriculture management has transformed to leisure agriculture gradually and developed to six types, including recreational garden vanilla coffee, experience type recreational farm, sightseeing flower and fruit farm, educational ecology farm, lodge & historical scenic spot and others; referring to modern country’s experiences in the development of leisure agriculture, such as America and Japan, providing rural village’s resources to tourism and recreation, increasing farmer’s income and benefit, and increasing recreational resource’s supply to satisfy tourist’s needs; therefore, successful foreign examples are referred as the reference for the development of leisure agriculture and feasible future development orientation in Sinshe Township. According to the research from administration, industry, category, environment and system aspects, the suggestion is addressed to promote leisure agriculture in the future, such as to establish farmer service center, agricultural products presentation and selling center, hold mushroom and loquat season and discriminate farm features — successful lavender, promotion of ecology and culture tourism (natural river terrace, Baileng Ditch, agriculture ecology education area and Xiao Xitou water park), management of nature and health village & rural village’s resources, maintenance of agricultural environment, improvement of traffic environment (traffic index, road, parking area and transit car), establishment of assessment system, lodge association and 3rd department business management. 
出版者 東海大學公共事務碩士學程在職進修專班 
出版地 臺中縣 
關鍵詞 休閒農業;永續經營;臺中縣;新社鄉