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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 補償對鄰避現象的影響:以烏坵低放射性廢料場址為例 
作者 黃德秀 
出版日期 2001 
頁碼或冊數 134 
中文摘要 「鄰避現象」(not in my backyard phenomenon,NIMBY)是指當地民眾對於高風險、危害性設施的抗爭現象,例如監獄、垃圾場、焚化爐及核電廠等.以國內的例子而言,垃圾掩埋場、焚化爐及核電廠等設施設廠所引發的抗爭隨處可見.然而,「鄰避現象」並非臺灣所獨有,各民主國家都因為環保意識的提昇,或者利害關係的權衡而不斷地發生.可是隨著地域文化背景的不同,「鄰避現象」在不同國家,其結果亦迥然不同.本研究以烏坵低放射性廢料最終處置場為例,以問卷調查及迴歸分析的方式,探討影響民眾態度的主要因素. 
英文摘要 NIMBY(not in my backyard) is a phenomenon that the local public opposes facilities which are perceived to be highly hazardous and risky, such as prisons, incinerators and nuclear power plants. In Taiwan, there were many NIMBY cases, including landfills, incinerators and nuclear power plants. NIMBY does exist inin all democratic countries. In different countries, the result of NIMBY is different. Facing the NIMBY, every developer can resolve it by many different ways, and the “compensation" is the most common way. However, much empirical literature argues that the use of compensation in locating highly risky projects is constrained politically by a myriad of moral and ethical concerns - residents appear not to be willing to accept compensation, when it comes to highly risky projects. Residents appear not to be willing to accept the facilities because they concern about compensation, fairness, sitting procedure, the trust to developer, need for facility, personal factor, social pressure, civic duty, and risk. This research takes the siting of the low-level radioactive waste repositories in Wu-chiu as the case, to discuss the reasons that affect the public’s perception and attitudes toward the facility. 
出版者 國立臺北大學資源管理研究所 
出版地 臺北市 
關鍵詞 鄰避現象;低放射性廢料處置場;補償金;回饋金;烏坵鄉