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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 導入文化觀光於節慶活動評估之研究 : 以大甲媽祖文化節為例 : a case study on international Matsu Cultural Festival in DaCha, Taichung County 
作者 陳柏份 
出版日期 2005 
頁碼或冊數 141 
中文摘要 目前國內節慶活動,猶如雨後春筍般的出現,而大甲媽祖文化節即為二至五月份的大型節慶活動之一.但在資源有限性及新鮮感會失去的慣性定律下,光靠自然資源與人為設施來發展觀光絕對是不夠的,為了提供更多樣化的休閒遊憩型態並顧及永續的發展,應在各項節慶活動之中注入節慶活動的內涵,如此方能既符合休閒潮流,又能夠保留節慶活動的文化特色.故節慶活動的規劃不能安於現狀,除努力求新求變的規劃模式外,更需考量各該節慶活動的內涵,方能使節慶活動歷久彌新. 本研究以文化及觀光的角度看節慶活動的規劃,在文獻的回顧與耙梳之後,整理出地方文化發展等八個構面作為節慶活動內涵之因子,由以上述構面來探討與活動目標之間的關係,進而檢視活動目標之達到與否.本研究針對實際上參加大甲媽祖文化節活動的遊客,採取隨機抽樣之方式進行問卷調查,共計發出500份之問卷,回收問卷488份.本研究針對回收之有效問卷,利用卡方分析檢定受訪者之社經屬性與節慶活動內涵、活動目標及基本認知三者間之關係;利用t 檢定及單因子變異數分析檢定受訪者之基本認知與節慶活動內涵及活動目標二者間之關係;利用Pearson 相關係數檢定文化及觀光、節慶活動內涵及活動目標間之關係. 本研究結果顯示以下七項結果:文化及觀光各構面間之關係僅部分達到中度相關、遊客基本認知的不同僅為造成文化及觀光各構面差異之部分因素、文化及觀光可作為活動目標之外部變數、遊客社經屬性的不同並非造成文化及觀光各構面差異之因素、遊客基本認知及社經屬性的不同與部分活動目標有顯著差異,以及遊客的基本認知與社經屬性間部分有顯著差異.由本研究結果發現,文化及觀光兩個構面可作為活動目標訂定的評估因素,但對於節慶活動是否得以帶動地方文化發展,或是能夠引發其對於地方文化更深度關懷的層面上則尚有不足.另在活動目標訂定上,校園扎根部份,應讓文化走進校園之中,方能真正的落實校園扎根的目標;在全世界華人宗教活動部分,應先以台灣為佈局,再將層級擴展至世界級的節慶活動. 
英文摘要 In recent years, the amount of festival events is greatly enhanced. Among all the festival events, Dajia MaTsu International Festival is the main activity of February to May. However, owing to the limitation of resources, it is not enough to develop tourism only by natural resources and artificial facilities. It is also necessary to inject distinguish cultural dimensions into the festival event and plan some creative activities, so that the government can not only preserve traditional culture but also provide various kinds of activities for leisure. This study explore how the plan of a festival event is made on the viewpoint of culture and tourism. After documentation reviewing, I choose 8 dimensions as cultural factors, such as local culture development and etc. . The objective of this study is to confer the relations among these dimensions and festival events objectives, also to see if the objectives are achieved.The study acquired the primary data by the tourist questionnaires that the tourists need to participate in this festival event - MaTsu International Festival. The study took random sampling way to sieve samples out, totally 500 questionnaires are distributed and 488 are gathered. I used Pearson Chi-Square Test, T test, One-Way ANOVA and Pearson Correlation to analyze data. The results of this research are as following:This study reveals that cultural factors has a mild correlation with tourist factors. Differences of tourist cognition are partly reasons of the divergences of cultural factor and tourist factors. Culture and tourism can be the external variables of festival events objective. Differences of tourists’ social economic attributes are not the main reasons which causes the difference of cultural and tourist factors. There is significant correlation between the tourist cognition, tourist social economic attribute and part festival events objectives. There is significant correlation between the tourist cognition and tourist social economic attribute.The result represents that the cultural and tourism dimension can be the estimate factor of making activity objective, but not valid in improving local cultural development or leading the deeper concern of local culture out. Second, on making an activity objective, more efforts should be made to ensure local culture walk into campus. Finally, on global mapping of Chinese religious activities, the better strategy will be rooting in Taiwan and mapping out an overall planning and management in the world. 
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出版者 逢甲大學土地管理所 
出版地 臺中市 
關鍵詞 大甲媽祖文化節;節慶活動;文化;觀光;臺中縣;大甲鎮