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系統識別碼 A94014992 
資料類型 單篇文獻 
主要題名 Origin of Clastic Dikes in the Coastal Range, Eastern Taiwan with Implications for Sedimentary Processes During The Arc-Continent Collision 
作者 宋聖榮;羅煥記;陳文山 
出版日期 1994-07 
卷期 37:3 
頁碼或冊數 407-424 
中文摘要 在東臺灣海岸山脈北段的磯碕附近,至少有五條由砂岩組成的碎屑性岩脈,侵入都巒山層的凝灰岩中,其厚度從10到30公分不等,並有向上尖滅和向下變厚的趨勢。岩脈中砂岩的主要組成為石英、長石、岩屑和板岩岩屑,是典型八里灣層砂岩的成份。 在岩脈露頭的北邊,都巒山層之凝灰岩直接覆蓋在八里灣層的頁岩之上,兩者的接觸相當鮮明,接觸帶並無任何的剪動和破碎。因此,出露於磯碕附近,覆蓋在八里灣層之上的都巒山層為一巨大之滑落岩塊,而不是由逆衝斷層所形成。砂岩岩脈是由都巒山層的巨大岩塊滑落至沉積盆地中後,因上覆岩壓突然升高,使未固結的沉積砂層液化,然後沿著都巒山層凝右岩的裂隙侵入,而形成了砂岩岩脈。 除了磯碕以後,都巒山層火山岩的巨大岩塊滑落到八里灣層中者,從北到南有蕃薯寮坑、安通山、赤門山、烏石鼻、三仙臺和湧水等地,而小的岩塊分佈更廣。岩塊的大小從數公分到數百公尺長不等,由此可知,在弧陸碰撞過程中,島弧斜坡的崩塌和巨大岩塊滑落至沉積盆地的沉積作用,是一相當普遍的現象。 
英文摘要 A group of vertical clastic dikes has recently been found in the volcanic blocks at Chichi in the Coastal Range, easter Taiwan. These dikes pinch out upwards and show a thickness variation from 10 to 30 centimeters. The dike rocks consist essentially of quartz, feldspar and lithic fragments, all being similar to those constituents of the sandstones in the Paliwan Formation. The volcanic blocks are considered slide blocks, produced through the block glide of the Tuluanshan volcanics. the clastic dikes are accordingly interpreted as the products of the upward injection of unconsolidated sediments into the volcanic blocks due to liquefaction caused by an abrupt increase in pore-fluid pressure in the sediments induced by the block glide of the volcanics during the deposition of the Paliwan Formation. The slide volcanic blocks ranging from several centimeters to hundreds of meters in size are widely distributed in the Coastal Range. It is believed that the block glide of the volcanic rocks and the slumping of sediments were very common in the Coastal Range during the arc-continent collision. 
期刊刊名 中國地質學會會刊 
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出版者 中國地質學會暨中央研究院地球科學研究所 
出版地 臺北市 
關鍵詞 碎屑性岩脈;地塊滑動;都巒山層;八里灣層;臺北縣;八里鄉