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系統識別碼 A93004902 
資料類型 單篇文獻 
主要題名 Evaluating the Effectiveness of the Coal Ash Artificial Reefs at Wan-Li, Northern Taiwan 
作者 邵廣昭;陳麗淑 
出版日期 1992-12 
卷期 19:4 
頁碼或冊數 239-250 
中文摘要 本報告係報導本省北部萬里鄉海域所設置之一批煤灰人工魚礁進行連續四年以上之監測與調查研究結果。其目的在瞭解煤灰製魚礁之結構、穩定性及生物效果。此批礁體係投放於10公尺水深,共計一百座大型立方中空礁。根據十四次水肺潛水調查發現,煤礁之效果與持久性並不亞於其附近之水泥人工魚礁。煤灰礁亦可誘集魚類、底棲或附著生物成長。在所發現的88種魚種中,雖僅27種具經濟食用價值,但其生物量?高達全礁區之85%。此外許多經濟魚種並不常見於其附近之天然礁區。根據數值分類方法分析魚類?聚之二態或多態之資料矩陣結果顯示魚礁之魚類?聚已趨於穩定,季節或年變化並不明顯。?聚之穩定度約在0.5左右,亦即不論監測期間相隔多久,任何兩次監測之魚種組成之相似性約為百分之五十。 
英文摘要 The structure, stability and the biological effectiveness of the coal ash artificial reefs installed at Wan-li, northern Taiwan were monitored and evaluated for more than four years. These 100 large cubic hollow blocks were casted in the depth of about 10 meters. Through 14 times of underwater observations, it was found that the effectiveness and durability of coal reefs were as good as that of concrete artificial reefs near-by. The coal ash reefs can also attract the fishes and the settlement of benthic organisms. Although only 27 species recorded belong to economical species, their biomass was higher than 85% of total biomass estimated for the entire 88 species in the reef. Additionally most economical species were truly attracted by the reefs since they were not usually found in surrounding natural reefs. The analytical results using numerical taxonomic technique based on binary or multistate also indicate that the reef fish community has stabilized. The seasonal or yearly difference is not obvious. The community stability index is about 0.5, which means that the similarity of species composition between any two monitorings is about one-half no matter what the time interval was. 
ISSN 0379-4180 
期刊刊名 臺灣水產學會刊 
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出版者 臺灣水產學會 
出版地 基隆市 
關鍵詞 臺北縣;萬里鄉;魚礁;煤灰;萬里;臺灣;北臺灣;棲所;魚類群聚;魚類相