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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 魯凱族下三社得樂的卡(舊茂林)部落家屋之研究 
作者 呂智雄 
出版日期 2005 
頁碼或冊數 234 
中文摘要 本研究以魯凱族下三社得樂的卡(舊茂林)部落為研究對象,藉由對部落與家屋現況實質型式的調查,加上由文獻與對曾居住過部落耆老訪談相互印證,探索部落家屋之特質.嘗試追索部落家屋的構成特性與其背後得樂的卡人對於家屋所賦的深層意義,期能藉此了解得樂的卡住居文化的基礎知識,並希做為日後保存與再利用時之參考. 
英文摘要 This study takes Teredeka (former Mao-lin), a Rukai tribe in Xia-shan community, as the object. It attempts to find out the characters of the house by investigating the present situation of the tribe and houses. In addition, the charters can be approved by documents and the superiors who had lived in the tribe. Furthermore, it tries to explore the meanings that Teredeka people gave to and the meanings of the constitution characters of the tribe-house. And, hopes the knowledge of the Teredeka dwelling culture can be reference for conservation and reuse in the future. 
出版者 樹德科技大學建築與古蹟維護研究所 
出版地 高雄縣 
關鍵詞 高雄縣;茂林鄉;魯凱族;下三社;得樂的卡;部落;家屋