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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 高雄縣路竹鄉頂寮村與新達村居民生活方式之研究 
作者 楊宇菁 
出版日期 2003 
頁碼或冊數 137 
中文摘要 高雄縣路竹鄉頂寮村與新達村之開發,因鄰近潟湖內海,環境上的優勢,吸引了先民至此開墾,建立聚落.由於氣候適合養殖漁業的發展,兩村自開發初期至今,一直維持著漁村的風貌.今日,在遷出人口大於移入人口,再加上出生率增加緩慢,兩村人口增加的速度遲緩,頂寮村近年來甚至呈現負成長. 兩村居民對外關係,主要是信仰活動,及居民婚嫁,購物和就醫等日常生活部分.其對外活動範圍,仍以附近鄉鎮為主. 人與環境間的相互影響,在兩村的生活演變例子中,呈現出來的是在大環境的改變中,環境影響所及漁村生活方式,雖保留了漁村的機能,但實質上卻改變了原本的生產方式.而自然環境的變動,使得兩村原本相似的漁村生活,產生變動,發展出不同的生活文化景觀. 
英文摘要 This essay focus on the living styles of two fishing villages on coast area in Kao-Hsung County. Discussions based on the nature environment and historic development leads to the conclusion that these two villages varied into different changes. Due to coastal location by the lagoon, fishing herds started from the begging of settlement and changed in 1970'. Pollutions made this change and only 17% of Population in this area now is still in the traditional fishing business and the other people turned to other business. The villages changed its' look as the vocation structure changed. These changes are housing architecture, health condition, education level, food habit, and other living contents. Man-environment relation made these two villages changed into two type of development as a model of living culture in landscapes. 
出版者 國立臺南師範學院鄉土文化研究所 
出版地 臺南市 
關鍵詞 高雄縣;路竹鄉;生活方式;漁村