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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 高雄縣路竹鄉居民生活圈之研究-對高雄市及臺南市之選擇之比較 
作者 蔡靜宜 
出版日期 [2005] 
頁碼或冊數 147 
中文摘要 本研究旨在瞭解高雄縣路竹鄉居民在通勤、服務、購物與休閒娛樂等生活圈的需求,對於地點的選擇是選擇高雄市或台南市.同時探討不同社經背景是否會影響地點的選擇,而區域間是否會因為位置的不同而產生差異.此外,也探討路竹鄉居民對南科高雄園區的意見.此為一調查研究,採用自編問卷為研究工具,以高雄縣路竹鄉的國小學童家長為抽樣受訪對象,共得有效樣本418份. 
英文摘要 The objective of the study is to understand Lujhu residents' living demand in terms of transportation, public services, shopping, and entertainment. The study looks into the reason why Lujhu residents choose to go to Kaohsiung City or Tainan City when there is no function available in Lujhu. Both the social-economical background and the different living areas of Lujhu are taken into account in the investigation to determine if they have any influence on Lujhu residents in choosing going to Kaohsiung City or Tainan City. In addition, the study includes Lujhu residents' comments on Kaohsiung Science Park. The research uses self-modeled survey method. From the samples collected from the parents of the elementary school students in Lujhu, 418 effective samples are used in the analysis. 
出版者 國立臺南大學社會科教育學系碩士班 
出版地 臺南市 
關鍵詞 高雄縣;路竹鄉;生活圈;通勤圈;休閒娛樂圈;服務圈;購物圈