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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 馬祖四維村聚落發展與休閒產業的策略研究 
作者 賴傳湘 
頁碼或冊數 228 
中文摘要 歷年來研究馬祖之文獻與相關資料,並未隨著馬祖逐步開放而顯著增加,又筆者於馬祖服役多年,有感本地具備觀光發達之條件,乃提出營造馬祖觀光環境之策略範本,即是以近海休閒產業作為切入,欲以作為施政者建設之參考,以及便於研究者史料的匯集與佐證.本論文並舉四維村為例,除了探討其由繁華而沒落的轉變過程,並且開創前人所未研究的範疇,同時研究其未來以休閒漁業再創風華的可行性. 
英文摘要 Study the cultural heritage and related data of Matsu through the years, didn't open gradually along with Matsu and obvious increment, again the writer undergoes military service in Matsu for many years, having native feeling to have to make sight-seeing trip flourishing of condition, is put forward strategy copy of constructing sightseeing environment in Matsu, is corresponded with inshore and recreational industry conduct and actions, want to be with the reference of being the administration construction, and easy to researcher's historical data gathers together with substantial evidence. This thesis also raises the Si-wei village as example, in addition to inquiring into it by prosperous and decline of change process, and found predecessors to don't study of category, in the meantime study it in the future with recreational fishery again create the feasibility of the elegance. 
出版者 銘傳大學公共事務學系碩士在職專班 
出版地 臺北市 
關鍵詞 馬祖;公共政策;近海休閒產業;社區總體營造;四維村;南竿鄉