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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 非營利事業產業化──以新港文教基金會與新港客廳為例 
作者 葉玲伶 
出版日期 2004 
頁碼或冊數 120 
中文摘要 本研究經由長期第一手實地觀察、資料分析與深度訪談,來瞭解非營利組織產業化的模式與方法。藉由深度訪談新港文教基金會經營之新港客廳,從社會資本的聯結、政府社區總體營造政策的產業發展方案、到新港客聽的規劃策略、產品、行銷、人力資源等經營管理方式,與實施產業化後對組織本身帶來的問題與挑戰,經由以上幾個面向探討非營利組織產業化後對新港社區所帶來的影響。 
英文摘要 This research has been conducted by long-term first-hand on-site observation, analysis of information and in-depth interview to understand the enterprising model and method of non-profit organizations. In particular, this research relies on the in-depth interview of Hsin-Kang Guest House managed by Hsin-Kang Foundation of Cultural & Educational. The issues involved range from correlation of social capital to the industrial development project under the government community empowering program to the planning strategy and operation and management methods of products, marketing and human resources of Hsin-Kang Guest House to the problems and challenges toward the organization brought upon by the implementation of enterprising. Through the many above-mentioned aspects, this research explores the probable impact that the post-enterprise non-profit organization has brought upon Hsin-Kang Community. 
出版者 南華大學非營利事業管理研究所 
出版地 嘉義縣 
關鍵詞 非營利組織產業化;社會資本;社區總體營造;社會企業;新港文教基金會;新港鄉;嘉義縣