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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 阿公店水庫集水區植生緩衝帶配置之研究 
作者 王小燕 
出版日期 1997 
頁碼或冊數 43 
中文摘要 泥岩為台灣水土保持問題土質之一,其質地細緻、入滲率差,裸露之坡面易受沖蝕,集水區內配置植生緩衝帶改善水質為最佳管理措施之一.本研究以農業非點源污染模式(AGNPS)配合地理資訊系統,分析泥岩分布區阿公店水庫集水區植生緩衝帶之最適配置寬度及抑砂效果. 
英文摘要 Mudstone is one of the problem soils regarding soil and water conservation in Taiwan. The components of soil texture in mudstone area are mainly silt and/or clay which result in poor infiltration and soil erosion occurs frequently at the bare slopeland in the area. Vegetated buffer zones need to be established as a Best Management Practice(BMP) for water quality improvement in agricultural areas. This study is to find out the optimal width and placement of vegetated buffer strips by applying the linkage of GIS technology with AGNPS model in A-Kung-Ten reservoir watershed which locates at mudstone areas 
出版者 國立中興大學水土保持學類 
出版地 臺中市 
關鍵詞 高雄縣;燕巢鄉;植生緩衝帶;阿公店水庫集水區;農業非點源模式;泥岩