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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 金門地區中國鱟(Tachypleus tridentatus)保育區經營管理之研究 
作者 林柏芬 
出版日期 2002 
頁碼或冊數 97 
中文摘要 1992年金門地區解除戰地政務後,為促進地方繁榮,而面臨各項工程開發、環境污染與資源耗竭的衝擊。1999年12月金門縣政府劃設「金門古寧頭西北海域潮間帶鱟保育區」,但保育區劃設之後並未有效落實保育區的經營管理,導致北山保育區內的稚鱟棲地嚴重面臨破壞。因此,落實鱟保育區的經營管理,才能有效達到保育及復育鱟族群與棲地的目的。 
英文摘要 Since Kinmen was disengaged from the war zone in 1992, local economy has been elevated in a short period of time, and at the same time, the environment has been polluted and natural resources depleted. Habitats of horseshoe crabs have also been rapidly damaged, so the government of Kinmen county had set up‘ The Horseshoe Crab Conservation Area’ in the intertidal zone of Ku-ning-tou in 1999. However, there was no plan for the management of the conservation area at the time, and as a result, the habitat of the conservation area continued deteriorating. Therefore, implementing management of the conservation area, and carrying out conservation and restoration of the horseshoe crab population and their habitats are urgently needed. 
出版者 國立臺灣大學漁業科學研究所 
出版地 臺北市 
關鍵詞 福建省;金門縣;保育;復育;馬蹄蟹