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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 都市發展與社區商圈形塑關係之研究: 以桃園市為個案分析 
作者 黃婉如 
出版日期 2002 
頁碼或冊數 111 
中文摘要 桃園都會區將由原來的雙子星發展到結合航空城與高鐵站區的大三角,影響所及將使桃園都會擺脫衛星市鎮的角色,形成真正的區域核心.因此桃園市的建設也是刻不容緩的,規劃桃園市整體發展時,應著重都市綠帶與都市藍帶的塑造,本研究以都市發展理論、桃園市的背景分析為基礎,並追憶桃園市發展史,企圖探討:1.商圈形塑及都市綠美化環境之互動過程;2.規劃桃園市時都市政策及促進城鎮之發展;3.社區商圈的形塑將是桃園市未來空間底層發展之趨勢等問題. 
英文摘要 The development of Taoyuan urban area have been transient from twin cities to current aviation city combined with high-speed railway. This trend makes Taoyuan urban area possible to get away from previous saterlite city and turn out to be a true core in the area. Conseqently, the coustuction of Taoyuan city should demand immediate attention. In planning the integral development of Taoyuan City, we should put stress on building up green belt and blue belt. Based on city development theory and the background anaysis of Taoyuan city and the past development history of Taoyuan city, this reseach is aimed to explore: 1. interaction between business circle building-up and urban environemtn beautified in green; 2. Planning Taiyuan urban development policy and promoting township development; 3. The building up of community business circle will be the tendency of future Taoyuan development in terms of the space infrastructure. 
出版者 銘傳大學公共事務學研究所公共管理社區發展碩士在職專班 
出版地 臺北市 
關鍵詞 桃園縣;桃園市;都市;社區;商圈