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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 部落產業開發策略之研究 : 以嘉義阿里山鄉山美村為例 
作者 蔡佩雯 
出版日期 2001 
頁碼或冊數 98 
中文摘要 本研究從「產業振興」與「永續發展」之觀點,來探討在整個經濟快速發展之大環境下,弱勢民族與其居住空間環境所擁有之自然人文資源、工藝技能及產業競爭條件,具備何種發展契機。並以山美村由原住民自行規劃經營生態旅遊成功之案例,作為產業發展策略之實證研究。 
英文摘要 This study confers what critical point of time to develop do the feeble people and their living space with natural and humane resources, state of the art and industry competition condition have under the circumstances of the speedy economical development in a viewpoint of “industry promotion” and “sustainable development”. According to the successful case which is eco-tourism planned and managed by aborigines themselves as a practical case study, hope this study may establish the structure of industry development strategy planning for tribal development reference . 
出版者 朝陽科技大學建築及都市設計研究所都市設計組 
出版地 臺中縣 
關鍵詞 嘉義縣;阿里山鄉;產業發展;策略規劃;永續觀光;山美村