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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 遊客對高美濕地環境認知與保育態度之研究 
作者 林庭寧 
出版日期 2004 
頁碼或冊數 122 
中文摘要 濕地位於海陸交會地帶,是人類開發活動最為頻繁的地區之一.資料顯示,人們對濕地的侵蝕已導致洪水、水污染和全球的水資源匱乏.說明人們對濕地的價值缺乏了解,以致於忽視保護濕地.高美濕地面積不大,但是由於泥質及沙質灘地兼俱,加上與河口沼澤地帶鑲嵌在一起,天然的海灘孕育大安水簑衣及雲林莞草等保育植物,每年吸引成千上萬的鳥群棲息,並成為保育賞鳥人士、教學團體及遊客喜愛參訪的地點.攤販相繼湧入,尤以假日為多,目前的填土區內攤販、環境衛生、交通等管理問題必須先解決,以保護高美濕地的環境生態.本研究欲瞭解來到高美濕地的遊客對濕地環境認知與對高美濕地保育態度,並探討遊客的環境認知與保育態度是否影響環境保育付費意願與願意支付的價格,同時進一步引用條件評估法來評估遊客對分擔高美濕地環境保育費用的願付價值.利用問卷設計、遊客問卷調查進行實證研究,透過SPSS統計軟體進行問卷結果的統計分析. 
英文摘要 The wetland, located at the buffer area of land and ocean, is one of the most high frequency of development activities. Data shows that human invades the wetland has uccessed flooding, water pollution and shortage of world wide water resources, This indicats that human’s lack of indestanding the value of wetland has given rise of the ignorance of wetland protection. Although the area of Kao-Mei wetland is not quite big, there are thousands flocks of birds which are attracted by the conservation plants such as Hygrophila progonocalyx Hayata and Bolboschoenus planiculmis (F. Schmidt) T. Koyama perching here every year in the argillaceous and sandy beach in the estuary marsh area. Bird-weatchers, teaching group and visitors like to visit the place. Besides, a lot of street peddlers enter this area especially in the vacation. Therefore, the management problems of street peddler, environmental sanitation, and traffic, etc. in the soil area must be solved in the first instant in order to protect the environmental ecology of Kao-Mei wetland. This research is for understanding the recognition of wetland environment and the attitude toward environmental conservation of Kao-MeiWetland from the visitors coming to Kao-Mei wetland. Discussing whether visitors' recognition and attitudes toward environment affect their willing paying for the environmental conservation or not and further, to assess visitors’ WTP (willingness to pay) for protecting these natural environments with the contingency valuation method. 
出版者 東海大學景觀學系 
出版地 臺中縣 
關鍵詞 高美濕地;環境認知;環境態度;濕地保育;願付價格;條件評估法;臺中縣;清水鎮