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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 連江縣藥用植物資物之調查研究 
作者 汪維建 
出版日期 2000 
頁碼或冊數 146 
中文摘要 連江縣包含十座大小島嶼,總面積28.8平方公里,四面靠海,地處亞熱海洋氣候,由於風浪之侵蝕,坡急土薄,雨量稀少,嚴重影響植物及作物之生長.春夏潮濕多雨霧、秋冬乾燥旱象環生,因此馬祖的植物生態較近緣於福建省沿海地區之分佈,其間所蘊含具有療效的藥用植物,隨強勁東北季風之風揚,見其植物分佈,實有加以詷查、分類、統計之必要. 
英文摘要 Lien Chiang County includes 10 large and small isles. The total area is 28.8 K㎡. It is surrounded by sea and is at sub-tropical oceanic climate area. Due to the invasion of wind and seawater, the slope there is stiff; the earth is thin with little rainfall that seriously influences the growth of plants and crops. It is humid with thick rain and fog in spring and summer, and drought is seen very often during fall and winter. Therefore, the plant ecology of Matsu is like those plants on coastal area of Fukien Province. Of which, the medicinal herbs with curing effects have blown along with strong northeast monsoon. To have better understanding for those distributed plants, it is necessary to investigate, classify and make statistics. 
出版者 中國醫藥學院中國藥學研究所藥用植物學組 
出版地 臺中市 
關鍵詞 藥用植物考察;福建省;連江縣;馬祖