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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 路竹南科土層振動衰減特性與其阻尼比評估之試驗研究 
作者 郭景琳 
出版日期 2004 
頁碼或冊數 156 
中文摘要 高雄捷運路竹延伸線之規劃沿台一線省道直接穿越南部科學園區路竹基地,未來捷運通車後,將有可能影響園區內高科技產品之製程及品質.本研究即是於南科路竹基地內進行現地振動衰減試驗,預估捷運振動對於路竹基地之影響,係以人工振源激發地表振動,欲模擬捷運列車行駛所帶來之振動,並於距振源不同距離處量測地表之振動歷時反應,經由資料處理與分析,以評估南科路竹基地內之土層對於振波傳遞之衰減係數與土壤阻尼比. 
英文摘要 The Kaohsiung Rapid Transit System will pass through the Southern Taiwan Science Park at Lujhu. After the system is operated, it may affect the process and quality of high-tech products in the Lujhu science-based Park. Thus, an in-site test was performed to investigate the decay of wave motions at the site of Lujhu Park. To excite the ground vibrations, an eccentric shaker and a heavy drop hammer were adopted, respectively. A series of sensitive velocity sensors were deployed at various distances to measure the ground vibrations generated. Based on the data recorded, the attenuation coefficient and soil damping related to the decay of wave motions had been deduced through spectral analyses. 
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出版者 國立成功大學土木工程研究所大地組 
出版地 臺南市 
關鍵詞 高雄縣;路竹鄉;衰減;阻尼;振動;捷運