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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 論傳統家族結構變遷與地方性建築的互動關係 : 以嘉義縣新港鄉溪北村李家為例 
作者 李明澤 
出版日期 1999 
頁碼或冊數 178 
中文摘要 本文作者以身為家族一份子的角度,經由訪談家族成員的過程,由口述資料重新拼湊出彼此共同的故鄉回憶,並以圖畫書的形式,藉由影像合成重現記憶中的生活風貌,除了作為重新檢視場所的媒介,以利設計上的思考外,並試圖利用家族傳記的方式延續世代之間的家族記憶。 
英文摘要 In the face of local characteristics oriented architectural design, architectural professionals tend to focus on creation of local features as the key appeal. Under the change in aforementioned environments. The elements available to designers to contemplation throughout Taiwan are declining, except certain specific spots. Hsipei is one among those available ones. As an element in the family, through interview with members in the clans, through oral messages, we build the common image of the homeland. In a drawing book through image composition, we reexamine the media of the inspection sites to facilitate contemplation in designs. Using clan biography, we try to extend memories among generations. 
出版者 中原大學建築學系 
出版地 桃園縣 
關鍵詞 家族聚落;農村;地方性;新港鄉;嘉義縣