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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 觀光事業發展對淡水鎮老街社區環境之衝擊 
作者 王慧美 
出版日期 2002 
中文摘要 本研究企圖探討遊客因觀光事業發展對淡水當地造成經濟、社會文化、環境產生何種層面的衝擊,本論文最主要的發現有四:(1)淡水捷運通車與當地觀光產業地景之變遷及型塑是有相關的;(2)老街發展觀光事業所需求的資金,並非完全由財團所操弄,相反的,在地居民認為房地產之升值與觀光產業之效益有密不可分的關係;(3)老街社區之地方消費性質與功能,端賴消費者的消費活動、生活方式以及空間選擇所決定;(4)攤販區、淡水河畔、渡船頭、公共廁所為急需改進的環境整潔;機汽車停車位、指示標誌及解說、垃圾桶、公共廁所數量及地點、老街遮蔭遮雨設施為急需改進的公共設施。 
英文摘要 The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of tourism development on local economy, social culture, and environment in Dam-sui. Findings indicate that 1) the local tourism development is significantly correlated with the MRT; 2) the tourism development increases real estate value on the Historical Street, but only benefits few tourism service providers, 3) consumers’ life style, choices of space, and consumption behaviors determine the functions and characteristics of the Historical Street. 4) The Stallman zone, The Dam-sui River Bank, The ferry terminus and the public lavatory need to improve immediately for the environment. Furthermore, the motorcycle parking space, the traffic indicators, narration, trash cans, the numbers and location of the public lavatory and the shelters for the rain and the sun are the public facilities which need to improve immediately. 
出版者 銘傳大學公共管理與社區發展研究所碩士在職專班 
出版地 臺北市 
關鍵詞 臺北縣;淡水鎮;淡水老街;永續發展;環境衝擊;觀光事業;社區發展