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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 臺糖公司產業觀光化發展過程與問題的探究:以臺中月眉觀光糖廠及台南尖山埤渡假村為例 
作者 蔣明新 
出版日期 2004 
頁碼或冊數 181 
中文摘要 台糖公司面對經營環境變遷及配合政府政策,為促進產業轉型,朝向多角化經營,並積極發展休閒遊憩事業,其中以台中月眉觀光糖廠及台南尖山埤渡假村最具代表性,本研究目的在探討台糖公司產業觀光化發展過程與問題,並對上述兩種不同觀光產業,分析其發展歷程及其間可能之差異,俾作為研究全盤的理解,研究成果除可提供台糖公司參考外,更可提供政府進行產業觀光化轉型之決策參考.本研究係以質化研究,採用的方法計有文獻研究法、團體焦點法及深度訪談法,整個論文都在產業觀光化發展過程與問題的架構下做一綜合性之研究. 
英文摘要 Facing changes in management and new governmental policy, Tai-Tang has embarked on an aggressive development of their tourist business, and diversified their management style in an attempt to facilitate an industrial transformation. Notable example of this are the Yue-Meig Candy Factory in Taichung and the Jian-Shan-Bi-Du Vacation Resort in Tai-Nan. The research objective of this thesis is to examine the problems inherent in the process as Tai-Tang develops in the area of tourism, as well as to analyze the possible differences in the development of the two examples mentioned above. This thesis shall provide a complete analytical explanation, and can be used as reference by the government for policy-making in of tourist trade developments, as well as a descriptive reference for the Tai-Tang Company. This thesis provides a multi-faceted analysis in the area of tourist development problems by utilizing litearture analysis, group focus techniques, and in-depth interviews. 
出版者 世新大學觀光學系 
出版地 臺北市 
關鍵詞 產業觀光化;月眉觀光糖廠;尖山埤渡假村;后里鄉