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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 臺灣北部及東北部海域底拖魚類群聚結構之研究 
作者 吳宗翰 
出版日期 2002 
頁碼或冊數 111 
中文摘要 底拖漁業由於誤捕率高,對海床棲地又造成嚴重干擾與破壞,故近年來已廣受國際間之重視與關切,特別是從維護生物多樣性與漁業資源之永續利用的觀點而言,未來必須朝棲地保護與整體生態系之經營管理的方向來努力。反觀國內過去多偏重於單一種群或系群,而忽略以群聚及生態系層次之研究,在底拖部分對於混獲之下雜魚(非經濟性魚類或個體太小之魚體)的組成及數量亦所知不多,因此本實驗將針對本省兩大傳統底拖漁區之一的北部及東北部所捕獲的所有魚種作定性(分類)及定量計數(測量體長及體重)資料之蒐集。 
英文摘要 Bottom trawl fishery is receiving more and more attentions these years because of its highly by-catch rate and serious damage to the seabed. Fishery management will need to protect the habitats and the environment to maintain biodiversity and resources sustainable. In Taiwan, studies in the past were usually focused on single specie or stock, very few papers studied fisheries from community and ecosystem approach. We don’t have many data on the species composition and the by-catch information. Therefore, the purpose of the present study is to study the community structure of bottom trawl fishes from the two traditional trawl fishery grounds in Aoti and Tahsi, north-eastern Taiwan and one non-traditional fishing ground, Cinshan in northern Taiwan. 
出版者 國立海洋大學海洋生物研究所 
出版地 基隆市 
關鍵詞 臺北縣;金山鄉;底拖;魚群結構