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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 臺中縣高美溼地遊客遊憩行為規範與其影響因素之研究 
作者 張金鳳 
出版日期 2004 
頁碼或冊數 126 
中文摘要 遊憩行為規範在遊客從事休閒遊憩的過程中,因為涉及遊憩區的環境品質維護,所以是屬於非常重要的一環,在休閒遊憩領域中,國內外遊憩行為的研究尚屬多見,但在遊憩行為規範的研究卻付之闕如.本研究以台中縣高美溼地為研究主體,透過實地勘查了解目前遊客在高美溼地從事休閒遊憩活動的現況,並從過去遊憩行為規範的定義及相關理論,再以問卷調查方式探討高美溼地遊憩行為規範與其影響因素間之關係. 
英文摘要 Visitors’ recreational behavior norms play a very important role in the process when they participate in leisure and recreation activities because these norms involve in the environment quality maintenance. In the leisure and recreation academic fields, studies on the recreation behaviors are tremendous but on the topic of recreational behavior norms is very rare. The subject of this study is visitors’ perceptions at Kaomei Wetland in Taichung County. We investigated visitors’ current situation of leisure and recreation activities on site, and then surveyed visitors with questionnaire to collect data for the analysis of the relationships between recreational behavior norms and their influential factors. 
出版者 逢甲大學土地管理所 
出版地 臺中市 
關鍵詞 溼地;遊憩衝擊認知;遊憩行為規範;臺中縣;清水鎮