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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 臺中縣清水鎮大楊油庫的集體記憶及其社會意函之研究 
作者 蔡怡心 
出版日期 2002 
頁碼或冊數 80 
中文摘要 建物再利用保存的興起與九0年代初期社區營造和地方文化產業風潮相關,其操作多以集體記憶作為召喚歷史情感與認同的手段,進而增加歷史建物的保存價值.本研究從牛罵頭文化協進會發起保存大楊油庫的過程中發現,民間團體藉由將油庫的歷史意涵抬升至戰爭史(越戰)的國家記憶論述層次,以創造油庫的保存價值,並藉以爭取保存的正當性.然而,這種由清水鎮上社區工作者從國家層次上所提出的歷史記憶論述卻與實際身處於大楊地方的居民對於油庫的集體記憶產生差異,研究企圖從集體記憶的角度探討地方居民記憶敘事與社區保存運動論述中,油庫作為他們各自記憶再現的象徵物所出現的矛盾與意涵. 
英文摘要 As for the heritage preservation in Taiwan, it is concerned with the great mass fervor of community renaissance and local cultural industry in the early 90th and is always based on the collective memory interpellating(召喚) identity in order to promote the value of preservation. This research is begun with Niu-Ma-Tou Cultural Association (NMTCA)–the first non-governmental organization that solicited for funds voluntarily to preserve Da-Yang Oil Depot (DYOD) as Vietnam War heritage in Taichung. It detects that the constructing Vietnam War memorial value of DYOD claimed by NMTCA differs from the local inhabitants’ thoughts during the urgent steps of saving DYOD exempting from dismantling. This research is based on the collective memory theory and then probes into the local inhabitants’ and NMTCA’s narratives of DYOD, each of them regards it as a symbol of their collective memory but it is diverse from each other. 
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出版者 逢甲大學都市計畫所 
出版地 臺中市 
關鍵詞 集體記憶;建構;再現;大楊油庫;社區營造;臺中縣;清水鎮