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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 美濃客家女性的性別角色與社會關係 
作者 陳明惠 
出版日期 2006 
頁碼或冊數 170 
中文摘要 以七位出生、生長且目前也居住在高雄縣美濃鎮的客家女性為研究對象.研究目的為:1.瞭解美濃客家女性需遵守的性別角色規範.2.瞭解美濃客家女性對性別角色規範的態度.3.瞭解女性在客家文化中的社會關係.4.比較客家女性不同社會位置的差異.研究過程採用質性研究取向,以深度訪談的方法,探討美濃客家女性的性別角色與社會關係.依照女性的生涯發展歷程,分別從身為女兒、嫁做人婦、媳婦熬成婆三個階段中需遵守的性別角色規範,加以敘述及分析.並進一步探討男女兩性的性別角色,及女性在客家文化下的社會位置、人際關係與從中所延伸出來的互動網絡.最後,將客家女性的共同與差異性作一分析與比較. 
英文摘要 Seven Hakka women who born, grown up and currently lived in Meinung Town of Kaohsiung County are the research subjects that adopted by this study. In addition, the research objectives are as follows: 1. To understand the norm of gender role that Hakka women need to be obeyed. 2. To understand the attitude Hakka women took toward the norm of gender role. 3. To understand Hakka women’s social relation to the Hakka culture. 4. To compare the difference in different social statuses that Hakka women possessed. As for the research procedure, it adopted the orientation of homogeneous research and the in-depth interview method to study the gender role and social status of Hakka women in Meinung. According to the life development for women, this study is described and analyzed the norm of gender roles that they need to be obeyed in three life phases, such as the phase of been a daughter, the phase of been married and the phase of been the mother-in-law. Further to discuss the gender role between women and men, and women’s social status, interpersonal relationship and its derived interaction network within Hakka culture. Lastly, the author is analyzed and compared the commonality and difference in Hakka women. 
出版者 國立臺灣師範大學社會教育學系 
出版地 臺北市 
關鍵詞 高雄縣;美濃鎮;客家;性別角色