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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 繪本下的空間書寫: 以淡水多向文本的地誌重構為例 
作者 翁淑姿 
出版日期 2002 
頁碼或冊數 113 
中文摘要 本論文試圖探討地域中的真實如何被架構成一個設計故事,並從多向文本中重新建構淡水的空間地景:藉以“象”〈圖像〉去接近“意”〈意境〉的表現,藉由模擬繪本型態進行一場圖像思維形式的設計操作。本研究將設計過程視為是一種綜合的圖像思維和空間操作的嘗試,透過繪本描繪出抽象的設計概念與想法,圖像的故事性將故事的意涵轉變成具體空間的張力。正如同坐在列車上往窗外看到的景緻,將敘事情境的空間經驗,透過以類似書本翻頁的連續動作完成空間文本的閱讀。 
英文摘要 This thesis attempts to discuss how the reality of a local region is constructed to be a design scenario and to reconstruct the landscape of Tamshui area according to designer’s interpretations: to get close to the presentation of the design conception through pictures and to have a design work through simulating the form of picture books. This research regards the design process as an attempt combining picturizing thoughts and spatial issues. Through describing abstract design concepts and ideas based on picture books, the narration of pictures transforms the meaning of the design scenario into concrete tension in the space. Just like the scenes being seen from windows of a train, the spatial experiences of the narrative situation is presented through serial actions similar to turning over pages of a book and then the reading of a space is completed. 
出版者 淡江大學建築學系 
出版地 臺北縣 
關鍵詞 臺北縣;淡水鎮;再現;繪本敘事;淡水地誌;旅行地景;認知地圖