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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 終戰後臺南市灣裡地區社會文化之研究 
作者 黃后秀 
出版日期 2002 
頁碼或冊數 224 
中文摘要 灣裡的交通獲致改善,民國七十六年隨著「明興路」的開通,灣裡的人口向東移動,同時吸引了鄰近鄉鎮人口,也擴大鄰近明興路角頭廟的祭祀範圍.此外,民間人群活動的組織也開始分化.在宗教信仰組織方面,推動寺廟管理員會;宗族組織推動宗親會,使得民間人群組織朝向功能化、科層化.同時,也產生工業社會中的功利與人際關係複雜化的現象,最明顯的表現就「宗教活動」中.灣裡的宗教活動,從大廟、角頭廟、小角頭廟及鸞堂的祭祀儀式中,不難發現個人現實利益的取向已經取代了傳統宗教的神聖性,同時,各廟宇間的交陪關係的活絡,反映出人際關係透過「宗教活動」以達到資訊流通、人群整合的目的. 
英文摘要 As a result of the progress in industrialization and the improvement in local road network after the building, in 1987, of “Ming-Xing ” Road , Wan-Li attracted more people from neighboring villages and its population increased , consequently it further sprawled eastward , enlarging the neighborhood of “Jiao-tou” temple along the “Ming-Xing ” Road . In the meanwhile , civil activities and organizations began to differentiate , and now we saw temple regulation committies and kindred associations, etc. ,established with characteristic functions working very well . Now the activities of these civil organizations and religious organizations , became complex and materialistic , which is characteristic of society quite highly industrialized. As a result , being bent on profit-taking belied sacrosanctity and piety in the local religious activities and ancestral memorial activities ,etc. , no matter what temple or which kindred Association sponsors these activities .Meanwhile , the frequent , friendship Association activities between the temples of different precincts provide good opportunities of information exchange and serve the purpose of communal solidarity . 
出版者 國立臺南師範學院鄉土文化研究所 
出版地 臺南市 
關鍵詞 臺南市;戰後;終戰;灣裡;社會文化