As a result of the progress in industrialization and the improvement in local road network after the building, in 1987, of “Ming-Xing ” Road , Wan-Li attracted more people from neighboring villages and its population increased , consequently it further sprawled eastward , enlarging the neighborhood of “Jiao-tou” temple along the “Ming-Xing ” Road . In the meanwhile , civil activities and organizations began to differentiate , and now we saw temple regulation committies and kindred associations, etc. ,established with characteristic functions working very well . Now the activities of these civil organizations and religious organizations , became complex and materialistic , which is characteristic of society quite highly industrialized. As a result , being bent on profit-taking belied sacrosanctity and piety in the local religious activities and ancestral memorial activities ,etc. , no matter what temple or which kindred Association sponsors these activities .Meanwhile , the frequent , friendship Association activities between the temples of different precincts provide good opportunities of information exchange and serve the purpose of communal solidarity .