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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 社會網絡與地方文化產業發展:大園鄉賞鳥節與觀音鄉蓮花節之比較研究 
作者 葉尚正 
出版日期 2007 
頁碼或冊數 196 
中文摘要 社會網絡與地方文化產業發展之間的關係,隨著近年來文建會大力提倡以發揮社區總體營造的精神,在全國各地努力推動地方文化產業發展的實踐上,格外顯得特別重要.本文以大園鄉辦理賞鳥節與觀音鄉辦理蓮花節的社會網絡分析,依此兩個案之比較研究的結果,提供政府公部門、民間之地區組織與文化產業業者做參考,期望發揮社會網絡最大的效益,在推動文化產業發展上能有所助益. 
英文摘要 During recent years, along with great promotion by Council for Cultural Affairs in order to elaborate the spirit of integrated community development, the relationship between social network and local cultural industry development has been extraordinarily significant on the practice of promoting local cultural industry development actively by each location nationwide. This study conducted social network analysis on Dayuan Township's bird watching festival and Guanyin Township's lotus flower festival, meanwhile the comparative study results from these two cases can provide government public sectors, civilian local area organization and cultural industry operators as reference, hopes to elaborate the maximum benefit of social network, so as to be helpful on promoting cultural industry development. 
出版者 元智大學資訊社會學研究所 
出版地 桃園縣 
關鍵詞 桃園縣;大園鄉;社會網絡;社會資本;地方文化產業;社區總體營造