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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 社會工作在原住民部落之實踐與反思:我在大安溪流域泰雅部落工作站之經驗 
作者 黃盈豪 
出版日期 2005 
頁碼或冊數 136 
中文摘要 九二一地震的救災及重建過程中,社會工作專業的地位逐漸受到社會的接受,龐大的社福人力投入災後重建的工作,對於社工專業本身來說,是一個很難得的實踐知識技術並累積本土經驗的場域與契機. 本研究試圖以一個社會工作者的角度,在面臨實務工作中的困境時,整理自己社工團隊在原住民地區進行重建過程的經驗,在工作和修正的過程進行工作者的反思(reflection),企圖瞭解原住民部落文化脈絡中對社會工作的想法,以尊重原住民文化、在地思考、和讓案主自己長出力量(empower)等原則,對社會工作專業提出反省,也讓社會工作專業和原住民部落有對話的機會. 
英文摘要 The professional statement of social work was seen by the society in the 921 earthquake disaster and recovery. A lot of social welfare and social workers devoting to the reconstruction, it’s a great field and opportunity for professional social work itself to practice and build knowledge from local experience. The study is reflection to professional social work by the author as a social worker. He tried to figure out the reconstruction experiences of his social work team in aboriginal communities, when he faced practice work difficulties everyday. And he tried to understand the thinking of social work in the context of aboriginal communities, and tried to find traditional wisdom about cooperation or service or community… 
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出版者 東吳大學 
出版地 臺中市 
關鍵詞 原住民社會工作;行動研究;社區營造;社區產業;921重建區;臺中縣;大安鄉