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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 社區警政與數位化科技系統整合應用之研究: 以桃園市警分局"天羅地網"系統為例 
作者 陳忠成 
出版日期 2004 
中文摘要 本研究提出警政機關應如何策劃「防範犯罪的發生」、「社區警政」、「數位化科技系統之警政」等三大維護治安目標,並從實質的社會環境及社會控制角度來探討;更應用現代科技建構「天羅地網」系統,以無線微波網路之傳輸影像、聲音及資料,整合轄內定點查察或移動式警力,發揮強大通訊網防範犯罪;並結合無線電台計程車,組織綿密民網維護社會治安;擴充「社區聯防」體系與「天羅地網」系統及警察勤務相結合,構成全方位的維護治安系統.本研究驗證桃園縣政府警察局桃園分局,自91年起實施「天羅地網」專案後,明顯達到預防犯罪及降低犯罪率、提升為民服務品質、迅速偵破各類刑案等三大效果,更營造有利民眾居住空間及和諧安祥之生活環境. 
英文摘要 This study points out how the police administration is supposed to make plans on three main objectives of maintaining social security, that is, “preventing crimes,” “community police administration,” and “the police administration of digital technology system.” And this research is undergone in terms of realistic social environments and social control. The communities’ technologically constructed envelopment system, which can transmit images, sounds, and data through wireless microwave internet, is combined with police inspection of fixed spots and moving police force to make an immense communication network for the prevention of crime. Moreover, the envelopment system can also work with the taxi drivers’ organization (of wireless radio stations) to maintain social security. The overall security systems consist of “enlarged joint system of community’s security,” “envelopment system,” and police’s daily duties. This study proves that since the implementation the envelopment project in 2002, Taoyuan City’s Police Precinct Office has apparently reached the goals of preventing crimes, reducing crime rate, and improving the service quality. It has been rapidly cracking various kinds of criminal cases to forge a much more harmonious and peaceful environment. 
出版者 銘傳大學公共事務學研究所公共管理社區發展碩士在職專班 
出版地 臺北市 
關鍵詞 桃園縣;桃園市;警政;警察;數位化;分局;科技系統