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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 當代公共行政理論之挑戰與轉型:建構實在論的觀點 
作者 蔡錦昌 
出版日期 2007 
頁碼或冊數 163 
中文摘要 本文認為,儘管治理概念多元紛陳,但建構實在論下的行政行動可以公共對話和創造公共價值之策略作為公共組織與行動者的重新定位與治理策略.這種治理策略乃兼具規範與實踐意涵,使得多元行動者之充分參與、良好互動及彼此的理解尊重成為可能.抑有進者,本文以美濃反水庫運動作為個案進行理論與實務的對話,藉以驗證本文的論述邏輯,最後歸結至一種不斷探索的思維與實踐. 
英文摘要 This article considers that, although the concepts about governance are plural, when public organizations and actors take administration actions under Constructive Realism, they can use public dialogue and strategies of creating public value as the reposition and governance strategies. This kind of governance strategies has normative and practical significance concurrently, it makes adequate participation, good interaction and mutual understanding and respect between plural actors. Further, this article regards Meinung’s Anti-Dam Movement as the case and carries on the dialogue with theory and practice so as to verify the discourse logic of this article, finally sum up to a kind of thinking and praxis that is exploring constantly. 
出版者 國立臺北大學公共行政暨政策學系 
出版地 臺北縣 
關鍵詞 高雄縣;美濃鎮;建構實在論;社會公正;公共對話;創造公共價值;治理策略