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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 澎湖觀光賭場發展課題之探討 
作者 張忠義 
出版日期 2005 
頁碼或冊數 120 
中文摘要 以往國內對於開放離島觀光賭場向來爭議不斷,贊成者常引美國拉斯維加斯賭場為例,認為拉斯維加斯乃美國偏遠的內華達州荒漠不毛之地,但卻能藉由觀光賭場的開放,產生吸金的效應,來達到繁榮地方經濟的目的,但為何在臺灣離島地區不能起而效尤,藉由開放離島觀光賭場,進而擺脫離島地區窮鄉僻壤的困境與命運.而澎湖是台灣現有離島當中,基礎設施及產業根基較為完備者,惟近年來受到觀光產業衰退的影響,造成地方政府財政上益形窘困,因而亟思爭取觀光賭場的設立,以振興經濟與繁榮地方. 
英文摘要 In the past years, liberalizing casino operation in offshore islands of Taiwan has been long a controversial issue. Gambling proponents usually took the gambling industry in Las Vegas as example and argued that casino liberalization at Las Vegas, originally a piece of barren, desert land in Nevada, has attracted tremendous tourism benefits and brought economic prosperity to the surrounding region. They questioned why the offshore islands of Taiwan shouldn’t follow the path to success in Las Vegas to resolve poverty and economical depression commonly occurred in these islands. Of the offshore islands, Penghu enjoys the best development in infrastructure and various industries. Due to tourism downturn in recent years, as a result aggravating the budget deficit of local government, casino establishment is urgently considered as a way to rejuvenate and prosper local economic activities. 
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出版者 立德管理學院休閒管理研究所 
出版地 臺南市 
關鍵詞 澎湖縣;蠶食鯨吞效應;德爾菲法;取代效應;觀光賭場