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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 漁港多功能發展之整備基本構想之研究──以澎湖赤崁漁港為例 
作者 蔡有忠 
出版日期 2000 
頁碼或冊數 75 
中文摘要 在既有的漁港設施下,保有漁港目前的功能與使用方法,維持各目的事業所具備的機能,在漁港區漁船泊靠使用,在交通遊樂船區交通遊樂船泊靠,船席泊地分開但共用航道,以串聯北海旅遊活動.本研究問卷調查結果分析發現,受訪者同意漁港、漁村兼具觀光遊憩的功能發展. 
英文摘要 Penghu fishermen are facing a problem that fishery is gradually exhausting and financial home income is decreasing. The sustainable utilization and renew of fishing ports in Penghu is becoming an important issue to the people who care about the future use of fishing ports. The aim of this paper is to establish a model for assessing the integrated development of multi-functions for existed fishing ports. We choose Chihken(Note : its translation) fishing port as a research base. From questionnaire measurement, we find that the people in Penghu recognized that Chihken has so much coastal landscape that functions of both recreation and sightseeing are needed to be involved in future plan for Chihken area. The traffic and trash problems are pointed to be the keys of future development. 
出版者 國立交通大學土木工程研究所水利及海洋組 
出版地 新竹市 
關鍵詞 澎湖縣;白沙鄉;赤崁村;漁港;多功能;整備基本構想;親水性海堤;擴充性;調和性